Post-conference news
All videos from the First Raku Conference are published online! Navigate to the talk from the schedule to see it.
Next Raku Conference: August 11–13, 2022 in a hybrid format: in-person in Riga, Latvia, and online in the internet. Online, August 13–14.
Day 3 replay
Day 2 replay
Day 1 replay
Pre-conference news
T-shirt vector files are updated to reflect the new conference dates. The earlier printed T-shirts are still valid.
Conference schedule has been published.
Instead of a single-day event that was initially planned, the Conference will take three days!
We have more than 100 registered attendees so far!
What is the Raku Conference
The Raku Conference 2021 is the first ever conference entirely dedicated to the 🦋 Raku programming language.
This year, it takes place online on August 6–8, 2021 (Friday–Sunday). In the future, we are planning to make it offline too. See the conference schedule.
Call for participation
Registration to the conference is open! To attend the event, please register at this very website. If you are already registered, log in to your account. You can find all information about your participation, your talks, etc. at your ’My Conference’ page.
Call for talks
Submit your talks! There are a few different formats that you can choose from. These include:
— 5-minute lightning talk
— 20-minute talk
— 40-minute talk
— 1.5-hour tutorial
— 4-hour class
— 8-hour workshop
It is up to you to decide if you want to pre-record a talk or if you want to give it live. In either case, make sure to appear online after your talk to have an online QA session.
Submit your talks before July 15. If you choose to pre-record it, we expect you to get a file before July 31.
Talk recordings
All the talks will be later published on YouTube. As a speaker, you may refuse to do it, but why should you?
Social media
The official Facebook page is
Conference’s Twitter account:
Telegram group:
Conference T-shirt
Download a vector file and print your copy of a conference T-shirt locally!
The conference will be streamed to Zoom and YouTube simultaneously. Question-and-answer sessions after the talks will be in Zoom.
— As an attendee, you watch the talks in Zoom or on YouTube.
— As a speaker after the talk, you connect to the main room in Zoom.
— A pre-recorded talk is streamed to both Zoom and YouTube as usual.
— For you as an advertiser or sponsor, your ads will be integrated into both streams.
There may be some changes in the above schema.
Gold Sponsor
Edument develops Raku IDE Comma and leads the development of Cro, the most popular choice for building web services and applications in Raku. With Raku expertise extending all the way to the compiler and runtime, Edument delivers high-quality mentoring, consulting, and problem solving to clients using Raku in their development. Edument also has expertise in other areas beyond Raku, including developer tooling, compiler and runtime development, C programming, and web development.
Sponsoring the event
Although the event is free for everyone, it is still a lot of efforts to organise, plan, and run it. You can help to cover the costs by buying a ticket or by becoming a sponsor. As a sponsor, you have the right to embed your commercial ads to the strings.
Contact the organisers
You can always reach the organisers by sending an e-mail to