Raku Conference Talks — 2022

Things I don't like in Raku in 2022 — Leon Timmermans, 20 minutes; accepted

The good, the bad, and the butterfly - my first year with Raku — Márton Polgár, 20 minutes; accepted

Make a module for you and others: creation and submission to Fez — Matthew Stuckwisch, 45 minutes; accepted

Be smart – be lazy! Provided to you by AttrX::Mooish. — Vadim Belman, 45 minutes; accepted

A couple of new modules for database migrations and testing in Raku — Jonathan Worthington, 45 minutes; accepted

Red, an ORM for Raku — Fernando Corrêa de Oliveira, 20 minutes; accepted

Step into the cookie jar — José Joaquín Atria, 20 minutes; accepted

Refurbishing Raku legacy with Raku — Márton Polgár, 5 minutes; accepted

Retro Cool Raku — Geoffrey Broadwell, 45 minutes; accepted

The Raku documentation website retrofit: past and future — Oleksandr Kyriukhin, 20 minutes; accepted

Tools for making your scripts more user-friendly — Elizabeth Mattijsen, 20 minutes; accepted

Pod::To::HTML2 and Collection — Richard Hainsworth, 20 minutes; accepted

Looking for clues with rak — Elizabeth Mattijsen, 45 minutes; accepted

Raku Steering Council Q&A — Elizabeth Mattijsen, 20 minutes; accepted

Tomtit - Raku Task Runner — Alexey Melezhik, 30 minutes; accepted

Gradual Types for Pandas — Steve Roe, 45 minutes; accepted

Implementing Machine Learning algorithms in Raku — Anton Antonov, 45 minutes; accepted

Postmodernism, futurism, and Raku — JJ Merelo, 45 minutes; accepted

The Raku Cup of Justice — Chris Jack, 5 minutes; accepted

Welcome to the Raku Conference 2022 — Andrew Shitov, 5 minutes; accepted

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