Raku, raku Talks

Traipsing through Raku land — José Joaquín Atria, 20 minutes; accepted

Parallelized And Concurrent Testing With Test::Async — Vadim Belman, 45 minutes; accepted

Learning Raku From Inside Out — Vadim Belman, 240 minutes; accepted

Multi-network Ethereum dApp in Raku — Konstantin Narkhov, 45 minutes; accepted

Reading files can't be this simple — Bruce Gray, 5 minutes; accepted

5 minutes introduction into Sparrow — Alexey Melezhik, 5 minutes; accepted

5 minutes introduction into Bird — Alexey Melezhik, 5 minutes; accepted

Welcome to the Raku Conference 2022 — Andrew Shitov, 5 minutes; accepted

Raku Steering Council Q&A — Elizabeth Mattijsen, 20 minutes; accepted

Red, an ORM for Raku — Fernando Corrêa de Oliveira, 20 minutes; accepted

ChatGPT as your buddy — Andrew Shitov, 20 minutes; accepted

Raku v6.e Governance – Brainstorming Session — Daniel Sockwell, 45 minutes; accepted

5 minutes introduction into Bird — Alexey Melezhik, 5 minutes; cancelled

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